The ILEC Difference & Guarantee
“ILEC Coaching is about delivering results. 100% of executives who experience ILEC Coaching for a minimum of 6 months or longer, improve their leadership impact. This is the ILEC Guarantee.”
– John Mattone

The ILEC Guarantee
The key to unlocking and unleashing leadership greatness in an organization, begins when that organization’s leadership team understands and appreciates that the engines of ILEC Coaching work in a strategically aligned and interdependent fashion with the very engines that determine the operating success of that organization. As the Stealth Talent Culture Model above shows, it is leadership—unleashed and continuously polished—that enables the creation, growth, and nurturing of talent systems and a culture that serve to ignite and sustain operating growth. In fact, as the ILEC Value Proposition Model below reveals, the powerful and transformative engines of ILEC Coaching also serve to ignite, amplify and optimize the engines that all businesses—government and non-government embrace and “live by” to ensure their own survival. They include creating a vision or compelling future, a strategic plan that leverages the gifts and strengths of the organizations’ assets and addresses the “gaps”, having the courage to execute, being constantly vigilant, and course-correcting. ILEC Coaching is about delivering results. 100% of executives who experience ILEC Coaching for a minimum of 6 months or longer, improve their leadership impact. This is the ILEC Guarantee. If you want to achieve and sustain operating success, you simply will not be able to achieve this worthy and noble pursuit unless every leader in your organization—starting with the CEO and senior team—are committed to strengthening, polishing and optimizing their own engines.
The ILEC Value Proposition
Growing Leaders. Building Cultures. Driving Results

“Successful organizations and leaders don’t invest in executive coaching. They invest in results.”
– John Mattone
Our Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC) Franchise Owners are Master Certified and Experts in:
- Executive Coaching for High-Potentials
- Executive Coaching for Middle-Managers & VP’s
- Executive Coaching for the C-Level
- Leadership Coaching for Entrepreneurs & Small/Medium Businesses
- Leadership Development Workshops & Retreats
- Administering, Interpreting & Debriefing Proprietary Leadership & Culture Assessments
- Culture & Culture Transformation
- Driving & Sustaining Business Results
All ILEC Coaches are Master Certified Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaches. They have achieved their distinguished certification by successfully passing 6 ILEC training programs all approved and accredited by the world’s #1 coaching governing body, the International Coach Federation (ICF). In addition, all ILEC Coaches bring significant significant leadership experience to their client engagements. ILEC Coaches have a strong and authoritative pedigree, however, they are real people who have achieved real results in their businesses and lives and, they are passionate about helping their clients achieve the same.
ILEC Coaching:
Do Leaders Improve & to What Degree?