What to Expect at an ILEC 2.5 Day Team Coaching Retreat
For clients engaged in our Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching program, and those who might still, our 2.5 Day Team Coaching Retreat is an opportunity to “level up” and apply everything you’ve learned in an immersive workshop-style program. Typically held at an appealing venue, it’s an action-packed experience for clients to ramp up their leadership development on a very personal level with their respective ILEC coaches. All in an intimate setting with other like-minded ILEC coaches and clients.
What should you expect if you plan to attend an ILEC 2.5 Day Team Coaching Retreat? Read on for a comprehensive preview of our activities and presentations…
Before You Head Out…
Before you attend an ILEC coaching retreat, you’ll already have your baseline leadership profile in hand, completed from your one-on-one diagnostic interview assessments with your executive coach. This set of benchmarks will serve as a valuable starting point for the program.
Opening Night
Our Team Coaching Retreats are typically held over the course of a weekend, beginning with a private reception and dinner in a relaxed, laid-back environment. It’s a chance for you to take your show on the road in an offsite setting, where you can really concentrate on honing your leadership skills and abilities. You’ll be introduced to other ILEC clients, who will be attending with their respective coaches, making it an immersive environment for demonstrating what you’ve learned—while also having the opportunity to gain experience from others.
Day One
The first full day is reserved for discovering the inner and outer cores that make up your executive maturity level and how they define your leadership style. Through the framework of ILEC’s “Wheel of Intelligent Leadership”, you’ll learn the finer points of becoming a role model for others to emulate, both in your professional as well as personal life. Multiple one-on-one sessions and exercises will lead to the discovery of your current rating on ILEC’s “Map of Executive Maturity”. The bond between you and your ILEC coach will be strengthened as a result, preparing you for the second half of the immersive retreat—groups and presentations.
Day Two
Day one is all about intensive one-on-one sessions between you and your ILEC coach. On Day Two, you’ll be taking it up a notch, participating in several peer-to-peer team learning sessions under the supervision of the ILEC coaches. It’s not a time to be shy or reserved, as you’ll be participating in several role-playing activities, each designed to build and critique the executive leadership traits you express. These team-based activities are conducted in a highly collaborative setting, which promises to be conducted in a robust atmosphere of encouragement through real-time feedback. After several of these highly engaging sessions, you’ll have a little time to decompress and reflect on what you’ve learned and demonstrated. Then it’s time to prepare your own Individual Leadership Development Plan (ILDP). Using the feedback gleaned from your ILEC coach and peers, you’ll be putting together an actionable plan that addresses specific steps for improving your leadership capabilities. Sufficed to say, you should be in the right frame of mind to tackle this task!
The Retreat Concludes, But Your Real Journey Begins
The final half-day of the retreat is set aside to review and reflect on the previous progress you’ve made alongside your ILEC coach. It does include you presenting your ILDP to the others in a group setting, sharing what you’ve learned about your leadership style and potential. You’ll finish by addressing how you intend to follow your own personal roadmap to success.
Upon completion, you won’t be leaving empty handed, as each attendee of ILEC’s 2.5 Day Team Coaching Retreat is presented with a certificate of completion and a copy of our proprietary LeaderWatch® Survey, which will measure your ILDP progress and ROI just 90 days later. As a prospective ILEC coaching client, we hope that we’ll have the opportunity to host you at a future retreat.
Intelligent Leadership Executive Coaching (ILEC) is the world’s #1 executive coaching platform dedicated to growing tomorrow’s leaders through organizational transformation. Our master certified ILEC coaches utilize a proven blueprint and philosophy designed to highlight the long-term benefits of investing in human capital. If you’re ready to take the all-important first step, let’s discuss your mission, vision, and purpose.